Sunday 20 May 2007

In search of inspiration...

I've got another assignment back - the one on white water rafting. It was very constructive - lots of feedback on structure and how to introduce information (websites, contact details etc.) without disrupting the flow of the article.

So now I need to revise it and send it off.

I am really struggling to find article topics though. I know that you don't need to be an absolute expert in an area to write a good article - just interested enough to do thorough research - but I feel like such a fraud writing about things when my first hand experience is tenuous at best.

I'm beginning to suspect my future may lie in fiction. Which is a bit of a bummer really as there's more bread and butter in non-fiction.

I am pretty happy writing fillers though so maybe I'll be able to pull a few of those out of the bag.

And my blog continues to take up too much of my time. But its a lot of fun and the increasing number of comments reassure me that there are people reading what I have to write. I like to think of it as building an audience...


Word Imp said...

Hi, just wanted to say thanks so much for visiting my blog. Your meaning won on the voting poll. Well done. I think you should pursue the non-fiction thing as it really does bring more regular rewards if you can get it right. Study your markets really well and see what's missing and feel confident about your research ability. I think lots of non-fiction stuff is written by people who have only become expert because they did the research in the first place! Also, another good tip is to plan ahead around special occasions and memorable dates. I haven't read enough of your blog to know if this is useful or not but, if you're writing for mags or newspapers, they love things which they can slot in to a particular date. For example, an interesting article on scorned lovers of history for Valentines Day. Or interesting unknown facts about an event which is having its anniversary coming up. I hope that helps. And good luck with both your blogs. We love the same movies, by the way!

VampireFaust said...

Best wishes on the writing!

I Beatrice said...

Have come upon you by way of Lady Macleod, and am very interested to read your views.

For me, towards the end of a longish life (in which I've been writing stories since I was ten), the blog method was the only way of getting up and out there before it was too late....

I write the thing which happens to take my fancy at the moment (non-fiction as well as fiction); and
after a slow start, am beginning to pick up a small band of readers at last.

So keep at it, is my advice. Be truthful, be yourself - and what you don't know, invent!

You can't lose, and might even win something!

Justine said...

Don't tell me? Whitewater rafting on the Zambezi at the Victoria Falls? Sobek? Amazing stuff. Doing the writing thing myself. It is tough going alright. Totally agree with last comment re the research. I am struggling with my fictional novel as I just started writing, made no plot outlines or anything and am now stuck bigtime. Good luck and will keep checking on how you are going. Justine.

izzat said...

i got some interest in writing too..
but i can figure what should i do to fulfill my interest..
so i started with the blog..i dont know it work or not but can you give me some advice how to do writing if we have interest but dont know how to get into it.. sigh..

best luck in your writing.. :)

Emily Suess said...

I just found you today, and I'm adding you to my feed reader. Hope you'll be posting again soon.

MommyHeadache said...

Interesting...I am better at non fiction...but by that I mean writing whatever comes into my head. I guess you mean writing about factual stuff for magazines etc. anyway, interesting blog and I will be back.

Trenting said...

I seem to be waaay better at non fiction, keep at it, you'll figure it all out..

tine said...

I'm a writer too, write both fiction and non-fiction. My choice is to not choose, I write whatever feels right, and that changes, day by day, hour by hour. I document other people's stories, I write prose, I blog, I write books of fiction, short stories, poems, memoirs. Why do you want to choose one or the other? Discipline is key, keep writing is the most important for me. Genre definitions are boring and killing for your own fun and the development of the world of literature. Just my thoughts :) Keep writing

Gretchen said...

You should write what you know. Fiction is pretty fun, but you're right, it's not where the money is. (Unless you hit it REALLY big).

Good luck!

concussion recovery junky said...

My mother always said I should be a writer, too.

I finally decided to take her up on her advise.

Mothers know best, don't they?

Writing Nag said...

Great to find your blog, keep up the writing fiction or nonfiction!

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Not sure what the last comment was about! (Was it a 'bot?) Anyway I have always meant to write and not really got around to it. I too feel that time is running out and that I must get on with it. Thank you for coming over to my blog and I will blogroll yours.