Sunday 29 April 2007

I write, therefore I blog

As a means of instilling some discipline into my writing aspirations I have started a blog. No, not this blog - another one with stories about my life and which you can find on my profile. The idea is that, knowing that people are actually reading something I write, I will be inspired to write more, thereby honing my craft.

But here's the problem. Blogs are absolutely addictive and servicing this addiction takes up a great deal of time. Time which is then not spent on writing things for which one might actually get paid. I hear its possible to make some money out of blogging by welcoming advertisers onto your site and that its possible to get sponsorship. All very exciting except that I need to drum up an audience before I can approach potential sponsors.

So in the next few days you should start seeing all sorts of links and buttons appearing on this page as I try to drive traffic to this site. I'll include a statcounter so you can see how I do and would welcome any opinions about the point at which I could be considered popular enough to actually make any money out of this site.

And tell your friends! Help feed my family!

Saturday 28 April 2007

The beginning

Mom's been at me for a while. 'You should write, Darling. You write so well'.

But she's my Mom. She thought I looked cute when I had chickenpox. She thought I was clever when I passed Home Economics and that I looked graceful in my Matric Dance dress (trust me, I looked like a mushroom).

Today, however, she wins. I'm going to give it a go. A real go. An invested go. And if there's one thing I know about giving things a go it's this: Effort is directly proportional to required expenditure. So I've enrolled in a distance learning writers course which will cost as much as I can afford and, therefore, not require too much effort on my part. But it does promise to help me get started with info on how to go about getting my writing into print.

Other tools in my writers' arsenal include my highly intelligent, politically aware and socially involved husband and my very entertaining two-year-old daughter who talks much more than she should and has the sense of humour of someone twice her age (which is to say lavatorial). They are in place for inspiration and critique...and hopefully warm milk and sympathy when dealing with the rejection letters.

I've also lived in a number of different countries and speak a few languages, which will hopefully provide a rich source of colourful characters.

My first assignment is to describe a place I have visited. I'll let you know how I get on.